Simple Steps to a Better Life
This is a guest article by Willie Horton, www.Gurdy.net
Websites like Gleb’s are a superb resource for anyone who has decided to embark on life’s most exciting adventure – the journey of personal development and self-discovery. Why? Because personal development is a lifetime’s work, it’s an ongoing journey that will take you to places that the normal mind cannot imagine. Too often, people are under the false impression that, once they embark on this journey, their lives will be changed immediately and irrevocably – as if struck by lightning.  Unfortunately, even if you are struck by lightning, its effects will eventually wear off.
On the other hand, I have seen people “struck by lightning†where, having decided that they wanted to change their lives, their lives changed for them very quickly – they immediately saw real and concrete benefits from being more focused, more mindful, more tuned in to the opportunities that life is offering you and me today – if only we had eyes to see.  But, even for these people, the effects wore off and they found themselves gradually return to “normalityâ€. And normality is a dangerous thing because decades of psychological research prove that to be normal is to be mad.
I Am A Treasure Hunter
Sometimes your hobbies don’t make much sense to others, but still prove to be immensely helpful and entertaining for you. Today I’d like to explain why it’s the case with one of the more recent hobbies I’ve acquired.
My approach to treasure hunting
One beautiful morning a few months ago I was walking across my company’s parking lot in the morning. It was an unusually sunny day, we don’t get that many of them here in Ireland. I was happy and ready for the challenges of the day, almost anticipating a quick scan through corporate email and immediate start with daily technical chores. As I was walking, I stumbled upon a coin. A brand new, shiny 2c coin. I picked it up and realized that it immediately improved my day by a tiny bit. That’s how it all started.
3 Ways To Be Happy Here And Now
Who doesn’t want to be happy? We all do. This doesn’t mean we all are happy though, and one of the reasons for this is because we’re not used to being happy in the present, instead living with hopes to be really happy some time in the future.
No matter how healthy, good looking, successful and rich you are, you still feel the need to push a bit harder, postpone your happiness by a bit more, just to be really happy some other day. This being a human nature, we keep pushing our happy days forward again and again, as if our time in this life has no limits. Well, it does. And before it’s too late, take time to be happy right here and right now.
Do What You Like
Feels like it’s been a few months long vacation, and I kind of missed posting here. Guess what, I’ve had a moment of divine illumination – a two weeks of sheer joy and pure wisdom!
Do what you like – that’s been my motto for the past 2 weeks, and will be for the rest of my life!
How To Be Happy
Being a very happy man, I’ve been thinking of writing such a series of posts for quite some time. I just feel like I own this to others. Being happy is so easy, yet many people seem to need someone to walk into their lives and show them the way, stop them and point out something which can be the happiest thing they’ve seen in their lives so far.
Looking at people around me and seeing the reasons for their unhappiness, I’ve decided to share the very same happiness principles I use myself. All I ask of you is to make a decision and commit to reading every single post which will follow (11 planned so far). Make a promise to yourself that you will read each post and take at least one action based on what you learn. Even 11 simple steps towards your well being will make a great difference in the long run.
Remember: a simple change now can make all the difference for you tomorrow. It’s never too late to change something little today in order to make yourself happier tomorrow. Being happy is your choice.