Steve Pavlina has just posted a two-year anniversary summary on his blog, and I just couldn’t help but use this opportunity to thank him.
It’s been a good year so far for me, thanks to my decision to start my own personal development blog back in January, and in many ways, Steve Pavlina was the motivation I needed to start this project.
Here are the three main things I’d like to thank Steve Pavlina for:
Generating passive income by doing something you really love
This was no revelation for me, but having this point stressed out by someone so determined and successful was definitely a help.
Seeing so many similarities between myself and Steve (mainly along the lines of having IT background and trying to always improve myself in various ways), I’ve discovered another passion of mine – the passion of self growth. I’ve been enjoying a steady growth in many aspects of my personal and professional life over the past 10 years of my life, but it never struck me that personal development could be a yet another direction for me to try so many new exciting ideas, enjoy the process of making them work and earn me some income, and gain additional motivation by realizing I can benefit from it in so many ways.
Mind you, I have had another quite successful blog project before I started Personal Development Ideas, so it wasn’t all that new to me. But I was amazed how easy and natural it felt to discover another passion of mine. This definitely helped me realize that it’s never too late to learn, and that any minute you can discover a completely new side of your own personality.
The power of focus and determination
Through all the years of his success, Steve had been a self-made person. He was always willing to experiment and explore, to obtain new skills and work out new habits, to change his perception of reality and apply his knowledge to provide value to others.
Steve is a perfect example of what focus and determination can help you achieve. He stresses the point of living consciously, and highlights that making decisions about your current and future life and applying the focus can help you grow tremendously and achieve any success you like.I really liked his attitude back when I first read one of his articles, and once again it seemed very familiar to me.
I’ve achieved many things before, and seeing him prove the point made me even more focused and determined on my self growth.
True spirit of sharing knowledge and giving value
This is one more thing I find brilliant about Steve and his website. He writes interesting and useful content, and he never grows tired of sharing his knowledge and providing value to his readers.
I’m still reading through his archives from time to time – print a certain month of his articles and read them like a book. It is very easy to see how Steve has grown personally over the past two years, and seeing striking similarities here and there helps me see that I’m moving in the right direction.
Sharing knowledge must be one of the most rewarding things you can ever do. Teaching others to break out of their own limitations and enjoy the benefits of self-growth is a tedious task. It is rather hard to resonate with so many readers, and to be truly successful you’re supposed to be passionate about your topic, knowledgeable and willing to share your wisdom.
I’ve learned many lessons from Steve, and I’m sure I will learn more. I certainly appreciate his ability to show me new ways to grow and new ideas to try.
Happy birthday, Steve! Looking forward to your project’s year three! :)